An Online Petit Theft / Shoplifting Class

Less Expensive: One fee, no added fees. Our online theft / shoplifting class sets an industry standard as one of the nation's premier provider of online theft classes.

Online Anger Management Class "Theft Talk"™
anger management class 4 hr juvenile theft class - $45
anger management class 8 hr juvenile theft class - $70
(Juvenile is 13 - 17 , 12 with parent participation)

anger management class 8 hr adult theft class -$70
anger management class 8 hr adult Impulse Control Class (theft specific) -$70

Save Time: No need to drive to and from a class. No need to miss work. Start and stop your class on your timelines. A little bit at a time or more, it's up to you. Our system "remembers" where you ended and brings you back to that spot when you return.

Easy: Just sign up, choose your class and pay, begin taking your class. That's it! Sign up now!

Anger Management Class Register Here

The Psychology of Stealing


The Theft / Shoplifting Class you are about to take is based on the book,

The Psychology of Stealing: The truth about why people steal
by Steven M. Houseworth, MA. Following is the book outline.

Chapter 1: Cops and Robbers Thinking

Chapter 2: Punishment

Chapter 3: Mental Rehearsing

Chapter 4: License

Chapter 5: Circular Thinking

Chapter 6: Olive's Story

Chapter 7: Who Cares?

Theft / Shoplifting Class Final Exam


Go ahead.  Register now!



In my first few years as a corrections counselor I developed four primary approaches and one fundamental assumption when attempting to be effective in my work. My partner, Pat, and I were new to our profession and anxious to learn. We asked our seasoned colleagues about practices and best interventions and quickly assimilated into the department's professional culture. Over the years Pat and I began to realize that the common sense, practical approaches to crime that we were using, were ineffective, and that the four primary interventions we were using were based on false assumptions. It was our role to impact our offending clients in such a way as to minimize continued crime. What we learned is that in the business of corrections it is important to know what works and why it works, and, to know what doesn't work and why it doesn't work. This manual is based on sound, research based, scientific principles and best practices that have consistently proven to be effective.

One of our objectives is for the reader to learn what works and what doesn't work, and to know why it works or doesn't work. Our second objective is for the reader to learn and understand each segment of this manual. Thirdly, it is necessary for the reader to "step back" and see how each piece of this manual fits into a "whole", which, when put together acts much like a puzzle - the picture is clear when all of the pieces are put together. One of our basic tenets is that interventions are most effective when they have affected the clients' thinking - their attitudes, values and beliefs.

In the following pages you will learn about a new and exciting way to effectively work with people who steal. If you are anything like my partner and me were twenty-three years ago, then you are probably pretty frustrated with the corrections process. I vividly recall my first few weeks on the job as a fresh new college graduate and employed for the first time in my chosen profession as a juvenile probation officer. My very first client was a young man who had burglarized a home. His name was Tim Chambers. I recall looking across my desk at Tim and his mother. While gathering pertinent family information and background I was doing self-talk which went much like this:

Oh my God. This kid is a burglar. A burglar. He burglarized a home! I'm supposed to do something with him. What do I do? I don't have a clue what to do with him. Why did they give me such a difficult case to work? Do I send him somewhere, a psychologist maybe? Is it MY job to work with him? This kid is a burglar. What do I do? Punishment - that must be it. He committed a crime and the best way to deal with this kid is to punish him. I'll put him on probation, make him pay restitution and have him do community service work. He'll check in with me once a week and I'll go to the school and/or his home and check up on him. Yeah, that's it. I've got a plan. I know what to do now. Watch him in the community, punish him, and if he screws up again we can lock him up to protect the community.

What an emotional experience this was. Even after years of college study and preparation my first client taught me that I was not at all prepared to effectively intervene in the lives of people who commit crimes. In this meeting I came to my first false conclusion - use punishment as a primary intervention. Research has consistently demonstrated that punishment is an ineffective tool and, in fact, often produces counter productive results. If you still think punishment is an effective intervention be prepared to have your thinking challenged. Keep an open mind and Chapter 2 will explain why punishment does not work.

In the weeks following my first meeting with Tim I questioned my colleagues, asking, "What do you do with someone who commits a burglary?" The typical answer I got was to look for weaknesses and fill the need. For example, if the offender is not doing well in school then I should look into an alternative school. If he didn't have a job I should pursue the Job Corp or help him get a job. (I remember spending hours teaching kids how to apply for jobs, how to dress, what to say and how to interview.) If the family had conflict, I was supposed to send the family to counseling. The assumption was that if I did something to redirect the youth or solve one of the youth's other problems, - family counseling, get the person a job, solve school problems, etc., - the person would stop committing crimes. I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I used this approach for years before realizing I was having no measurable effect on the person's criminal behaviors. Sure, I did some good. Tim may have had a job, but what I found is that I was working with an employed burglar. Tim's family may have gone through counseling, and as a result was functioning more harmoniously, but what I had was a well-adjusted youth who was stealing from homes. His grades may have improved but he was still stealing. My second false conclusion was that if I worked at solving "other" problems I would be successful at solving the presenting problem - stealing. The assumption behind this approach was that if you can successfully solve one problem, you would, somehow, magically solve the other problem. Research and experience has consistently proven this tact to be quite effective at solving the youths other problems. It is, however, logically flawed and ineffective at solving the presenting problem -stealing. Helping a person solve a problem in their life makes a counselor or corrections worker feel good about himself but this practice is not relevant to the task at hand - correcting the criminal behavior.


Another common practice is to schedule weekly check-ins. The meeting goes something like this:


Probation Officer: "How's it going?

Client: "Fine."

Probation Officer: "What's new?"

Client: "Nothing."

Probation Officer: "How's school?"

Client: "Fine."

Probation Officer: "Grades okay?"

Client: "Yeah, I guess."

Probation Officer: "You missed any days lately?"

Client: "No."

Probation Officer: "Any contact with the police since we last met?"

Client: "No."

Probation Officer: "Okay then. You're doing well. Keep up the good work and I'll be out of your life in no time. But you remember, if you screw up again it isn't going to be pleasant. I'm a nice guy but you are in control. If you screw up you force me to lock you up."


How arrogant of us to think this kind of contact with a client will be meaningful, much less impactful. Certainly we can't blame the probation officer or counselor; they haven't been taught what to do. In fact, few people know what else they can do. Weekly check-ins has absolutely no impact on recidivism. In fact, studies on the effect of probation have consistently shown that probation, unto itself, is no more or less effective than incarceration - regardless of caseload size.


The final tact in my list of ineffective interventions is what I call the education and warning approach. I would attempt to make sure the offender knew the law and the possible consequences for violating it. I would sit a kid, or group of kids, down and explain the legal definition of stealing, what a misdemeanor and felony is, and outline the maximum amount of time they could spend in jail as an adult. Sometimes I would take them for a tour of the County Jail. I felt pretty good about this approach. At least I could say the kids knew the rules and were warned about the possible consequences. I felt I was taking positive steps to forewarn them should they choose a life of crime. If they screwed up I could say to myself, "I warned them." I felt I was at least doing "something". I was doing something, but unfortunately this approach too, did not work. One day I realized, the kids already know stealing is wrong and, they knew they would get in trouble if they were caught. My education and warning approach resulted in me telling kids information they already knew and had no effect on their choice to commit crime.


If, in the 1970's, we would have asked the question, "What causes crime, what causes people to steal?" most likely people would have said poor parenting causes people to turn out criminal. In the 1980's the fad was that people who committed crime were victims of abuse as children. The 1990's were a time when we heard a lot about the break down of the family unit. Over the past twenty years the assumption was that "something" was wrong with the family. Interestingly, if we go back fifty years we would find the popular theory had to do with poverty and unemployment. Seventy-five years ago we assumed the cause had to do with a lack of discipline and, one hundred years ago the focus was on the lack of morals and religious values. The theories abound and span a list which includes the bad seed theory, peer pressure, state of the economy, family values, our diet, the effects of fluorescent lights, bad eye sight, learning disabilities, etc... Today researchers are busy looking for the "crime gene". All of these theories subscribe to what is known as the "causal model" of crime. The causal model is one which has an underlying assumption that there is a "cause", something wrong inside or outside of the person which is the source of their criminal behavior and, if this cause can be identified the person can be cured. The causal model was ostensibly one that was worth pursuing; after all, it served the medical profession quite well. In medicine we can find a germ or bacteria and kill it to make the patient well. In the social sciences this causal model has not proven itself, in spite of 100 years of research. This book does not use the causal model to explain, understand or cure criminal behavior. The causal model simply has not served the social sciences well.


In summary, the four false assumptions are:


1. False Assumption: Punishment works. (Research has consistently demonstrated that punishment is an ineffective tool and, in fact, often produces counter productive results.)


2. False Assumption: If I help solve a central problem in a youth's life he will stop committing crime. (Research and experience has consistently proven this tact to be quite effective at solving the youths "other" problems, but to be logically flawed and ineffective at solving the presenting problem -stealing, crime.)


3. False Assumption: Probation works and weekly check-ins will solve the problem. (The fact is probation, unto itself, is no more or less effective than incarceration - regardless of caseload size.)


4. False Assumption: Crime education and warnings will have a positive effect. (Most crime education programs do little more than inform the youth of information he already knew. I.e., if you get caught, you'll get in trouble.)


The one false fundamental underlying assumption is:


1. The causal, or medical, model leads to the "root" of all crime and if the root can be identified and addressed, the person will stop committing crime. (This causal model has been the underlying assumption throughout the 1900's. In effect this assumption became a 100-year experiment. The experiment demonstrated conclusively that the causal model is not useful in corrections.)


If the causal model, punishment, addressing other problems, weekly check-ins and education is ineffective at changing people's behavior, then what can be done? First, we need to acknowledge that people from good homes and bad homes commit crimes. We need to recognize the poor are not the only ones who commit crimes. We need to accept that, as prevalent as crime is, there must be something "normal" about the willingness to cross the human boundaries we label as "crime". We must understand that in the spectrum of human behavior we will have "takers", takers and givers" and "givers"


We need to look into the mind and soul of the thief and non-thief in order to understand the similarities and the differences. We need to grasp that inherent in the human condition is the phenomenon of selfishness. Selfish in the sense that people "want". They want experiences, they want states of mind and in American culture, most of all, they want things . From this perspective even the "giver" is getting something in return for his chronic kindness.


Without judgment being passed, a fundamental premise of this manual is the notion that humans are selfish . With this perspective it makes sense that people pursue satisfaction of their selfish wants. You only need to look at those around you to prove this basic premise. Though the quantity and types of items are different, you can travel from culture to culture and rediscover this basic truth. Furthermore, a very satisfying additional basic tenant of this manual is that, most people are not willing to cause injury to other people, - if, they understand the injury . If this were not true, there would be no boundaries and we would live in a state of chaos and anarchy. This book takes a very positive and hopeful posture toward the human condition. This book assumes most crime is the product of an overdose of "self"ishness and an under dose of "others"ness. It takes the position that stealing is a selfish crime which can be corrected by appealing to the offenders thought process and having them experience the dissonance between their thoughts and actions, between their feelings and their soul . This dissonance creates a discomfort that calls for resolution and a state of homeostasis. When most people are confronted with this conflict between their thinking and their behavior, they choose to do what they believe is "right".


This manual will expose effective cognitive interventions that circumvent the four false assumptions outlined above; we will abandon the superstitions of the causal model and, instead, rely on the clients internal control system and the above noted assumptions about human nature. This form of intervention is called Dissonance Therapy.



The change paradigm of our society and the vast majority of our clients is to focus energy on changing the offending behavior. The primary intervention promoted by our citizens is to try to be the change agent by punishing the offender for his criminal behavior. Clients, on the other hand, not being masochists, tend to depend on commitment and will power in order to change. Though these approaches have proven ineffective time and time again, they are the intervention of choice for most lay, and many professional people. I am not suggesting accountability be abandoned. I am, however, promoting a new zeitgeist, one that also focuses on changing the offender's way of thinking.


Contemporary labels for this added model would include cognitive restructuring, cognitive behavior modification, correcting thinking errors, Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) or even Reality Therapy. Though all of these are of the same genre, the approach outlined in this book is referred to as Dissonance Therapy. The underlying assumption is that if you can be successful at changing a person's thinking, a change in actions will follow.


Research, and years of psychoanalytic therapy, has consistently shown that insight alone does not result in substantial behavior change. In response to this finding Dissonance Therapy strives to go one step further. The objective of Dissonance Therapy is to create significant cognitive dissonance within the client. The resulting unrest and conflict in a persons attitudes, values and beliefs calls for the pursuit of a resolution. This pursuit of resolution culminates in movement seeking homeostasis between a person's thinking and actions. A movement that could go one-way or the other. This model would suggest that when a person experiences cognitive dissonance, either the thinking will change to match the behavior or the behavior will change to match the thinking. With Dissonance Therapy the internal world of the person, their thinking, is what is important, the external world only has meaningful influence to the extent it can impact the thinking of the individual.


Cognitive dissonance occurred for Holly when she, on one hand believed, "I'm a good person. I'm very responsible and moral." and, on the other hand, realized that several of the "little" items around her home were stolen from her employer. Dissonance Therapy predicts Holly, being faced with both facts simultaneously, will experience healthy cognitive dissonance. This approach would predict that such a self realization would result in her either, 1) correcting her behavior (stop stealing and maybe even return the items), 2) adjusting her behavior to match her thinking (rationalization and/or justification in an attempt to convince herself "It's no big deal. They don't care anyway"), or, 3) the less likely, reframing her self image to - "I'm a thief."




•  Cognitive Restructuring

We assess and address the client's attitudes, values and beliefs.


•  Victim Awareness

Empathy Development: We help our clients feel the pain of their victim and picture the human being(s) they affected.


•  Dissonance Therapy

Change occurs when our clients experience and scrutinize the inconsistencies between their thinking and their behavior, and the conflict between their feelings and their soul.


•  Thinking Errors

Clients will benefit when they learn of the errors and omissions in their belief and values systems.


•  Skill Building

A key to success is for each client to learn new decision making skills and to assume personal responsibility for their actions and choices.


•  Education

Each component of a program should begin with an educational piece.


•  "Process" Counseling

Clients should be allowed to think through issues and come to their own conclusions. To be effective, a counselor must remove the power from the relationship.




•  Choice Theory

The underlying assumption that people are in control of their actions.


•  Empathy Development

Realizing empathy is crucial to the socialization process.


•  Learning Theory

People learn through a series of rewards and consequences, internally or externally imposed.


•  Cognitive Behavior Modification

If a person experiences enough emotional discomfort over their decisions they will naturally make different choices.


•  Moral Development

Most people are unwilling to cause injury to other people, if, they understand the injury.




•  Mankind is inherently selfish.

•  Humans, on the whole, are programmed not to do injury to one another.

•  Humans, on the whole, inherently develop a sense of "right" and "wrong". This preprogramming, for the purposes of this book, will be referred to as the soul.

•  The feelings associated with the desire to have often results in a conflict with the soul.

•  A life predominantly driven by feelings is one that has succumbed to its inherent selfishness.

•  A life ruled by its inherent programming, the soul, is one with fewer self-imposed troubles.

•  A life that struggles between feelings and the soul is one that is experiencing the classic human condition.

•  Learning to distinguish between the soul, (trusting your gut, listening to the little voice within you, letting your heart rule, etc) and feelings, our selfish nature, (the desire to have, greed, immediate self gratification, etc.) is a process, which can improve the quality of life.


If the reader cannot subscribe to, or be open to, these basic underlying notions, this book will not prove fruitful reading.





The TT Online Services™ Inc. Anger Management Classes

TT Online Services™ Inc. provides anger management classes as an 8 hour anger management class, a 10 hour anger management class or a 12 hour anger management class. The anger management curriculum is based on, "The Psychology of Anger" by Steven Michael Houseworth, MA. Our anger management classes teach behavior change methods, explore anger and anger management, confront myths about anger management and totally separate the anger emotion from anger behaviors. A key component of an effective anger management class is to educate the student about the dangers of mental rehearsing anger reactions. No anger management class would be complete if it did not include anger management strategy and anger management techniques. All three anger management classes work under the assumption that the way a person thinks guides the way a person behaves. The TT Online Services™ anger management classes use a cognitive restructuring approach which basically follows the tenant of Norman Vincent Peale (1898 - 1993): "Change your thoughts and you will change your world." Our anger management classes ask the client to explore their attitudes, values and beliefs. Each of our anger management classes end asking the client to figure out what they believe, who they are and to identify their value system. To this end, our anger management classes have a victim focus and work toward understanding and developing empathy.

The TT Online Services™ anger management classes outline communication skills which include active listening. In addition active listening is an important part of anger management, as is developing and understanding of assertiveness and assertiveness skills. Our anger management classes work with the premise that a genuine apology is the only meaningful apology. Those in our anger management classes are not instructed to make an apology but are told of the potency of an apology.

Simply stated our anger management classes are designed to help people, young and old, learn healthy anger management. The consequences of unhealthy anger management include: anger management related health problems, anger management related family problems, anger management related financial problems, anger management related legal problems, and anger management related relationship problems. Anger management class referrals come from courts, employers, schools and of course people make their own anger management class referral. We do not recommend juveniles take our ten or 12 hour anger management classes.

The TT Online Services™ anger management classes began in 1994. As practitioners in the criminal justice field it was very clear that most crime is driven by one for of theft or another (shoplifting, car theft, burglary, robbery etc.) and by anger management problems (assault, menacing, domestic violence, harassment, road rage, etc.). As a result, it only made sense to focus on a specialty of theft and anger management. Our first anger management class was called Temper Talk and we quickly learned that conducting anger management classes is a formidable task. Initially we spent most of our time on techniques and, through trial and error, our anger management class evolved into the anger management class it is today. Our education, the volumes or research and practice has proven that an anger management class has little likelihood of being effective unless a key component is included - the attitudes, values and beliefs of the person with the anger management problem. Anger management clients need to change their thinking if they want to overcome their anger management issues.

As more and more famous people (movie stars, professional athletes and politicians) have experienced anger management problems and been required to complete anger management classes, communities have become more and more aware of the problems associated with anger management. If you put in a "Google Alert" for the words "anger management" you will be flooded on a daily set of anger management emails resulting from anger management problems across the country. Unfortunately, stress is directly correlated to anger and as our culture becomes more stressed we should anticipate more incidences of anger management problems. The good news is that with increased public exposure to famous people with anger management issues people like you and I are more open to seeking anger management classes. These days, most of the anger management clients I meet are not feeling stigmatized by being referred to an anger management class. In fact many of them see anger management classes as an opportunity for personal growth.

What types of people go to Anger Management Classes?

Let's face it, most people don't seek out anger management classes without a precipitating anger management event. The anger management event is typically a set of behaviors that got the person in trouble. "Trouble" with anger management comes in many forms but most commonly those who complete our anger management classes have an anger management problem that got them in trouble with the legal system. There is no law called "anger management problem" but it is common knowledge that assaults, domestic violence, harassment and even murder is often anger related. The next most common group of people who take our anger management classes come as the result of an anger management conflict at work, school or even in their home. What types of people go to anger management classes? Typically the person who goes to an anger management class has been required to attend an anger management class by a judge, probation officer, employer, school official, or even a spouse or parent. Though most people who attend our anger management classes are required to attend, there are people who are tired of the problems their anger have caused and as a result seek anger management classes on their own.

Our anger management classes separate anger into two categories, anger emotions and anger behaviors. Though there are many consequences for extreme, frequent or prolonged anger emotions, most anger management classes serve clients who have displayed inappropriate anger behaviors. Anger management problem behaviors problems are most commonly verbal or physical. Verbal abuse, threatening, loud tirades, verbal threats and verbal assaults are quite common ways people display an anger management problem. As you can well imagine, this kind of verbal reaction to anger is not acceptable in the workplace, at school or in the home and results in consequences. Physical anger management displays often come as an explosion or "blow out" when there is assault, pushing or fighting, a road rage incident or throwing and breaking items, even punching walls and doors.

What are you going to try to do to me in your Anger Management Class?

Strangely enough this anger management question is quite important! It is of high importance to TT Online Services™ that we don't try to do anything to you. Our anger management classes do not try to fix you. Our anger management classes do not judge you. Our anger management classes do not try to force anything on you and have no intent of imposing change on you. Critical to the success of an anger management class is the need to: a) be respectful of the anger management client, b) not be judgmental of the anger management client, c) not try to impose "the truth" on the anger management client and d) not try to impose change on the anger management client. Our anger management class is education oriented and works under the assumption that if you learn you will change your thoughts. If you change your thoughts you will change your behavior, your life and your world. Yes, with great confidence we are strong believers in education, we attribute education to have converted the human animal to the human being. Any change that comes as a result of taking our anger management classes is change that the client makes. We can take credit for providing meaningful information; the client needs to take credit for changing his/her anger management behavior. Life gets much better, much happier and becomes more fulfilling once anger management problems are in the past. Overcoming anger management problems becomes a self-reinforcing new behavior.

Okay, it is education based, so what can I expect to learn in this Anger Management Classes?

Our anger management classes are based on the book by Steven Michael Houseworth, MA, "The Psychology of Anger." The anger management class curriculum finds a balance between providing new information and providing anger management "stuff" you can try, work on, use to deal with an anger management problem. The education component explains anger in a way you have likely never heard before and then moves right on to asking you to rethink anger management beliefs you may have that are not true - anger management myths. The anger management class provides a formula, (much like a math formula, i.e., 2+3=5) for understanding emotional anger management and another formula for understanding behavior anger management. These two formulas together become the anger management formula. If you take the time to understand the anger management formula you will likely change the way you think about anger. The second element of our anger management classes is the "stuff" you can do to work on, if interested, when not working your anger management class. The "stuff" we are talking about is called developing an anger management strategy (anger management activities you can engage in now, not waiting for another anger incident to occur) and developing anger management technique (anger management activities you can engage in when angry.) In each chapter the anger management student will learn either a new piece of information and/or a new anger management skill.

When should someone know to take one of your Anger Management Classes?

Our anger management class discusses anger in terms of frequency (how often), intensity (how extremes) and duration (how long). If a person has high frequency, high intensity or long durations they likely need an anger management class. We find this simple measures provides a good barometer for people to self asses if they need an anger management class.

Another way to determine if someone needs an anger management class is to simply ask if there are problems in their life as a result of anger management issues. If the person is having anger management related legal problems, school problems, employment problems or family problems, etc. they likely would benefit from taking an anger management class.

What is the best way to take an Anger Management Class?

Anger management classes come in many forms. The old traditional counselor in a chair method of dealing with people with anger management problems may be right for you. Counselors, psychologists and some social workers specialize in anger management and, if you have insurance or can afford their fees, you would do well to explore that route. Personally, I recommend a counselor or psychologist when the anger management problem is quite frequent, quite intense or lasts for substantial long periods of time.

Another popular way to take an anger management class is by attending an in person anger management classroom. This form of anger management class is often available in bigger cities. Basically, there are two forms of in person anger management classes; there is the anger management class and the anger management group . Anger management classes tend to be time fixed and often occur over several weeks. The anger management class is typically education and practice oriented. Anger management groups tend to be ongoing. They are usually more education and support oriented. If you don't like to read or don't mind sharing your anger management problems, or simply prefer a group or classroom setting, an anger management class or anger management group might be suited to you.

TT Online Services™ offers two other forms of anger management classes. Our anger management classes are offered as an online anger management class or a anger management workbook (study at home). As previously noted our anger management classes are educational in nature and provide anger management tips, tricks, techniques and strategy - much like the in person anger management classes. One huge benefit of an online anger management class is fidelity. Online anger management classes are delivered consistently the same way for each client and eliminate natural human errors and omissions.

Our workbook anger management class consists of the same content as the online class but is in a workbook format versus online.

Tell me about the online anger management class.

It really is pretty simple. The first thing you do is get registered so you can take your online anger management class - it's free to register. Try not to register more than one time, you will likely lose track of usernames and passwords and need to call our help center.

When you register you will be asked to input your email address. This becomes important because after you register for the online anger management class you will be sent an auto generated email confirming your registration. If you don't get an email right away I suggest you check your spam or junk-mail to see if it is there. You will also be asked for the email address of the person who referred you to our anger management class (If you have it). It is usually worth taking the time to get that person's email address because that person is sent a confirmation that you got registered for the anger management class and again when you complete your anger management class.

Once you are registered you need to pick the anger management class you want to take, the 8 hour anger management class, the 10 hour anger management class or the 12 hour anger management class.

Pick your class, click on the PayPal/Credit Card icon to pay for your anger management class and you are ready to go. We do have two tutorials that show you how to a) register for your anger management class or b) get to your anger management class.

Are there added costs or other things to buy?

The TT Online Services™ Online Anger Management Classes are 100% online. There are no additional items to buy and there are no added costs.

Will the TT Online Services™ Online Anger Management Class be accepted by the person who referred me to an anger management class?

TT Online Services™ is a nationwide premier provider of online anger management classes and has been accepted in every state in the country. That said, there is no national standard for anger management classes and any judge, probation officer or employer can accept an anger management class or reject it. We do offer a money back guarantee (be sure to read the details) if our online anger management class is not accepted.

Can I really take my anger management class anytime - day or night?

That's right! You can take your anger management class anytime, day or night, 23 hours a day 7 days a week. You also only need to work on your anger management class for as long as you want to. Stop and start when you want - they system will remember where you last ended your anger management class.

Are your anger management class exams difficult to pass?

Our exams do have fairly high standards. If you want to be sure to successfully complete any one chapter in your online anger management class you will very likely pass the exam if you simply read the material in that chapter. The only people who report our anger management class exams to be problematic are the people who tried "skimming" without learning. Our exams are typically reported to be easy after the person actually reads the chapter.

What if I need help, have a problem or need support?

Support to our anger management customers is very important to TT Online Services™. We offer email support seven days a week 15 hours a day. We provide phone support 10 hours a day on weekdays are often available by phone on weekends. You can email and you will typically get a response in ½ or less.

How do I get my anger management class completion certificate?

After you have completed all of your anger management class a Completion Certificate is immediately made available to you. If you want TT Online Services™ to mail or email you a certificate, just ask - no added fee. Mailed anger management class Completion Certificates are embossed and can be sent directly to the person who referred you to our anger management class.


Last Updated: Sunday, December 22, 2019


Sign up for your anger class here!



The "THEFT TALK"™ Online Services (A TTOS program) shoplifting / theft class is among the most widely accepted, comprehensive, affordable and effective way to complete a theft class, shoplifting class, petit theft class or impulse control class.. Our theft class was written and prepared for court ordered clients, students, employees and for personal growth. The "THEFT TALK"™ online shoplifting class is listed as an accepted theft / shoplifting program throughout the United States, including Canada, and abroad. Our web-based online theft / shoplifting class includes:

* A complete 8 hour theft / shoplifting class based on the book The Psychology of Stealing , by Steven M. Houseworth, MA.

* Where we find an average of $125 for similar shoplifting classes, ours if much more affordable.

* A self-paced theft / shoplifting class online learning experience.

* Log in, Log out 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

* Online exam following each chapter and a final exam.

* Immediately upon completion printable Certificate of Completion for verification.

* Accepted by Court, Probation Officer or Schools, or money-back guaranteed.


Go ahead ... sign up now ... click here!

Is the "THEFT TALK"™ Theft / Shoplifting Class Right for You?

Theft / shoplifting programs can vary a great deal in terms of content and delivery method. Like many things on the internet they are not always what they "appear" to be. Fortunately most of the theft classes offered online are good and reputable, however, there are a few theft classes offered that are either a bit deceptive about pricing (i.e., one price is all you really pay), certificate delivery (is it mailed or does it cost more?) or simply do not meet a high professional quality standard .

A Nationwide Program

TT Online Services™ is a Nationwide service provider and t has a reputation for high quality programs. We have been providing theft / shoplifting classes since 1983 as our "THEFT TALK" program.

Some "Online" theft programs are not actually a real online service. These shoplifting classes indicate they are an online program because they can be found and purchased on a web page, but in reality the petit theft class is really a book you purchase or a download file that you put on your computer. This is really not an online class but rather a product you purchase on the web.

When we say we offer a Online theft / shoplifting Class, we mean "Online."

With our theft / shoplifting class you will register online, create your username/password so that you can log in and out of the program as many times as you want 24/7. You make your theft / shoplifting class purchase online. You take all of your coursework online as well. There are no downloads or anything else. The system will "remember" you and all of your scores as you log in and out of our secure system. You will also be able to print the theft / shoplifting Class Certificate of Completion directly from your screen upon successful completion of the program.

A Workbook Class is available too

As an alternative to the online class, please note we do also offer a workbook/correspondence course for those without internet access. If you take the online class you do not need the workbook!

Credentials, Experience and Qualified

If you are comparing programs we encourage you to make sure you are comparing apples to apples. What is the history of the company providing the shoplifting course? What kind of experience, education and training qualifies them to offer classes?

TTOS staff began researching and working with theft / shoplifting clients in 1983. At the onset the service was called "THEFT TALK"™. Now, "THEFT TALK"™ is a nationwide service providing high quality evidence based theft / shoplifting services. All TTOS counselors are required to complete rigorous training prior to becoming a certified counselor. All Counselors are required to have a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree and are supervised by staff with a minimum of a Master's Degree.

Can a judge, probation officer or attorney contact the agency to verify credentials?

Of course! If your specific court is not familiar with our program you may wish to print our court approval documentation, (click here to get document) to give them further information. If they contact our office we will also provide them access to our online theft / shoplifting class so they can view the program and its integrity for themselves.

The Psychology of Stealing

What is the program based off of? Is there substance or just feel good babble? The "THEFT TALK"™ theft / shoplifting class is based on the book The Psychology of Stealing, written by Steven M. Houseworth, MA who is a consultant for TTOS.

Why is the "THEFT TALK"™ price so reasonable?

At TTOS we strive hard to keep our overhead costs low so that we can pass on the savings to you. We are well aware of all the other financial obligations that were likely placed upon you by the courts. We want you to be successful at completing your court orders. We give you, what we believe to be a solid honest fair price for our service. With our program I am very confident that you will be receiving one of the best theft / shoplifting programs available.

Theft / shoplifting classes can be taken in many ways. For some, an online program is best. No need to take time off work or out of your busy schedule. Be "green", no need to use gasoline or take the time to drive to a class. You complete the course in your home or at any internet connection - on your schedule. Our classes are available 24/7. For others, sitting in a group or with a live instructor might be the best option. Some people are not comfortable discussing such a personal issue in front of strangers. Either way make sure the program that you utilize measures up . TTOS stands behind its program and offers a full money back Guarantee.


Click Here to Register for your Anger Class now!


Tell me about the online theft / shoplifting class.

It really is pretty simple. The first thing you do is get registered so you can take your online theft / shoplifting class - it's free to register. Try not to register more than one time, you will likely lose track of usernames and passwords and need to call our help center.

When you register you will be asked to input your email address. This becomes important because after you register for the online theft / shoplifting class you will be sent an auto generated email confirming your registration. If you don't get an email right away I suggest you check your spam or junk-mail to see if it is there. You will also be asked for the email address of the person who referred you to our theft / shoplifting class (If you have it). It is usually worth taking the time to get that person's email address because that person is sent a confirmation that you got registered for the theft / shoplifting class and again when you complete your theft / shoplifting class.

Once you are registered you need to pick the theft / shoplifting class you want to take, the 8 hour adult theft / shoplifting class, the 4 or 8 hour juvenile theft / shoplifting class or spanish theft / shoplifting class.

Pick your class, click on the PayPal/Credit Card icon to pay for your theft / shoplifting class and you are ready to go.

Are there added costs or other things to buy?

The "THEFT TALK"™ Online theft / shoplifting Classes are 100% online. There are no additional items to buy and there are no added costs. We do not charge extra fees for the certificate of completion.

Will the "THEFT TALK"™ Online theft / shoplifting Class be accepted by the person who referred me to an theft / shoplifting class?

"THEFT TALK"™ is a nationwide premier provider of online theft / shoplifting classes and has been accepted in every state in the country. That said, there is no national standard for theft / shoplifting classes and any judge, probation officer or employer can accept an theft / shoplifting class or reject it. We do offer a money back guarantee (be sure to read the details) if our online theft / shoplifting class is not accepted.

Can I really take my theft / shoplifting class anytime - day or night?

That's right! You can take your theft / shoplifting class anytime, day or night, 23 hours a day 7 days a week. You also only need to work on your theft / shoplifting class for as long as you want to. Stop and start when you want - they system will remember where you last ended your theft / shoplifting class.

Are your theft / shoplifting class exams difficult to pass?

Our exams do have fairly high standards. If you want to be sure to successfully complete any one chapter in your online theft / shoplifting class you will very likely pass the exam if you simply read the material in that chapter. The only people who report our theft / shoplifting class exams to be problematic are the people who tried "skimming" without learning. Our exams are typically reported to be easy after the person actually reads the chapter.

What if I need help, have a problem or need support?

Support to our theft / shoplifting customers is very important to "THEFT TALK"™. We offer email support seven days a week 15 hours a day. We provide phone support 10 hours a day on weekday and are typically available by phone on weekends. You can email or and you will typically get a response in ½ hour or less.

How do I get my theft / shoplifting class completion certificate?

After you have completed all of your theft / shoplifting class a Completion Certificate is immediately made available to you. If you want "THEFT TALK"™ to mail or email you a certificate, just ask - no added fee. Mailed theft / shoplifting class Completion Certificates are embossed and can be sent directly to the person who referred you to our theft / shoplifting class.

Sign up for your anger class here!



Last Updated: Sunday, December 22, 2019


"THEFT TALK" Online Classes

Theft Talk is an online theft / shoplifting class and is offered for juveniles as a 4 or 8 hour class; and for adults as an 8 hour class. It is also offered as a workbook class for those who prefer not to use a computer.

You can stop and start anytime you want - on your timelines!

An American Company

Your class is completely self-paced, sign out and come back later, the computer will take you back to where you ended. That's right, work on it a half hour at a time, more sometimes, less others - you choose.

A "x hour" theft class means that, on average, it takes x hours for a person to complete the class. Your account is active for 1 year once you are registered so you don't need to worry about getting locked out. Shoplifting Class

"THEFT TALK"™ has been providing counseling services to theft / shoplifting offenders since 1983. Our services are guaranteed to be accepted by your court, probation officer or school.

No extra charges, one fee, no fee for your Completion Certificate.

Online Anger Management Class "Theft Talk"™ Class Cost:

anger management class 4 hr juvenile theft class - $45
anger management class 8 hr juvenile theft class - $70

anger management class 8 hr adult theft class -$70

Don't have a computer? No worry! You can take our online class at the library or, we also offer a correspondence (through the mail) printed workbook.


Immediate Proof

Each chapter in our theft/ shoplifting class is activated upon completion of the previous one. Once the last chapter has been completed the Certificate of Completion is automatically activated and available to you. Or, if you want an embossed Certificate mailed to you, no problem, no charge- just ask!

Be careful, others charge a Certificate embossing fee and/0r a "Report" fee. Our anger management class has no added fees.

theft class certificate

Anger Management: An Offender Solutions Inc. Program
Theft Talk™ Online Service